Linda Howard presents “Why Should Worksite Wellness Programs Focus on Multicultural Competency?” the 28th Annual Health Benefits Conference & Expo (HBCE) on January 29, 2019 in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
Many people confuse “diversity” with “multicultural competency” or use the terms interchangeably. While diversity is a good starting point, diversity does not equal multicultural competency, nor do you achieve diversity by varying your team considering race alone. Cultural competency encompasses more than race; culture includes such things as gender, socioeconomic status, geographic location, language, sexual orientation, and education.
If your worksite wellness program were to be measured against multicultural competency standards, would it meet, exceed, or fall short of those standards? Ensuring that your program considers the attributes and demographics that make up culture is mandated by a number of federal laws, renders a greater return on your investment, and serves the public good.
To determine if your program measures up, the proof is in the pudding. It’s not just about your intentions; it’s also about results. Evaluate your program to see its effectiveness across cultural lines and whether it is in compliance with laws designed to eliminate discrimination and promote inclusion in wellness programs.